IoT & Industry 4.0

Deploying, Scaling & Analyzing New Age Technologies, Simpler.

Industries have moved from Traditional Factories to Visual Factories, now it’s time to move to Analytical Factories.

Industry 4.0 – the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, is still out of the reach for many manufacturing industries. We have developed range of custom solutions for manufacturing industries to leverage benefits of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) without changing their existing processes or investing in high ROI Industry 4.0 solutions.


EIB has designed many products for Electronic OEMs/ODMs as white label solutions. Our Embedded Engineering services clients are spread across sectors such as Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Consumer Electronics, Agriculture, Oil & Gas, ITES and few others. These OEMs and ODMs have benefitted with our quicker designing capabilities and excellence of designing energy efficient as well as low maintenance products.

Andon System with real-time dashboard – Wired & Wireless

With ANDON-BOARD – not just Notify, Analyse it.

Andon System with real-time dashboard is an essential need of new age industries. So, we designed ANDON-BOARD.

Traditional Andon systems just notify about the problem present on the shop floor. Where as our ANDON-BOARD offers complete flow of RAISE – DEFINE – ACKNOWLEDGE – CLOSE – ANALYSE.

ANDON-BOARD can be integrated with machines to capture real-time performance from machine and provide real-time data and analysis. There are lots of possibilities for customization, call us to know more.

KAIZEN Feedback Management System

A continuous improvement solution designed to ensure that no feedback is missed and no improvement opportunity is lost.

Allows bi-directional Kaizen with tracking of feedback implementation status, improvement metrics achievement and easier analytics.

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